Exploring the EVolution in PrognOstic CapabiLity of MUltisequence Cardiac MagneTIc ResOnance in PatieNts Affected by Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Based on Machine Learning Analysis: Design and Rationale of the EVOLUTION Study

J Thorac Imaging

12 Aprile Apr 2023 one year ago
  • Pontone G.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is a transient but severe acute myocardial dysfunction with a wide range of outcomes from favorable to life-threatening. The current risk stratification scores of TTC patients do not include cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) parameters. To date, it is still unknown whether and how clinical, trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE), and CMR data can be integrated to improve risk stratification.

Reference: Exploring the EVolution in PrognOstic CapabiLity of MUltisequence Cardiac MagneTIc ResOnance in PatieNts Affected by Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Based on Machine Learning Analysis: Design and Rationale of the EVOLUTION Study.
Cau R, Muscogiuri G, Pisu F, Gatti M, Velthuis B, Loewe C, Cademartiri F, Pontone G, Montisci R, Guglielmo M, Sironi S, Esposito A, Francone M, Dacher N, Peebles C, Bastarrika G, Salgado R, Saba L. J Thorac Imaging. 2023 Apr 4.

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