Advanced Imaging and Physiology Course
Direttore del corso Stefano Galli, aiuto senior UO Cardiologia Invasiva 2
These 2 day workshops include the substrate of acute coronary syndromes, the existence of obstructive and non-obstructive causes of myocardial ischemia, and the coexistence of stable and high-risk atheromatous plaques in the coronary tree. Besides, the causes of acute and long- term stent and PCI failure are better understood, and the importance of ischemia driven revascularization to improve
patient outcome will be repeatedly demonstrated. Clinical practice guidelines will be discussed.
The pressure of clinicaI workload and the simplification of PCI techniques have led, in many occasions, to omit the opportunities generated by new diagnostic technologies to incorporate this knowledge in everyday practice.
The main objectives of this practice-based workshop is to share experience on how incorporation of invasive diagnostic techniques may contribute to unravel the comptexity of ischemic heart disease at the time of clinical decision making, and how it may lead to a more accurate and predictable treatment of coronary stenosis in complex clinicaI and anatomical subsets.