Clinical Laboratory

Quick Facts

The Clinical Laboratory uses technologically advanced instrumentation and is completely computerized. This ensures maximum safety and control of the entire process, from the pre-analytic phase to the reporting.

The Clinical Laboratory, active 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, is an essential diagnostic support for the Operating Units and the Emergency Department of the Institute; it also performs the examinations for external patients attending the Outpatient Clinic from Monday to Saturday. The Laboratory is accredited by the Lombardy Region and certified according to ISO 9001:2015. It carries out basic and specialized examinations within the sections of:

  • Clinical Biochemistry and Toxicology
  • Haematology and Hemocoagulation
  • Microbiology and Virology

The laboratory uses technologically advanced instrumentation and is completely computerized: this guarantees maximum safety and control of the entire process, from the pre-analysis phase to the reporting.