Call for applications
In this section it is possible to consult announcements and competitions of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, with relevant indications on how to apply.
The publication of documents, collection of data and their use is carried out in accordance with current legislative provisions.
The archive of call of applications of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino is available here.
Date of publication: 13/03/2024
Application deadline: 05/04/2024
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS) recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992, and subsequent confirmations, in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
It selects candidates to be included in the project entitled “Novel molecular targets for cardiac regeneration”
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month research fellow contract, in possession of the following requirements:
- Master's Degree in Biotechnology, Biological or Pharmaceutical Sciences or other equivalent degree, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad
- previous research experience in biomedical laboratories;
- excellent knowledge (theoretical and practical) of the main IT systems and the Office package;
- age lower than that required by current laws for retirement;
- good knowledge of spoken and written English
The following will be considered preferential qualifications:
- previous research experience in international recognized laboratories and Institutions;
- previous research experience in the field of molecular biology, embryology, microscopy and in vitro or in vivo experimentation;
- excellent presentation, analytical and problem solving skills;
- good organizational and team working skills and a dynamic attitude;
- availability to travel.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Prof. Giulio Pompilio, Scientific Director of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino and from Dr. Paola Cattaneo Scientific Manager of the project, in support of which she/he will provide her/his activity, will carry out the following tasks:
- laboratory activities aimed at investigating molecular mechanisms behind cardiac regeneration;
- generation and analysis of multiomic datasets
- preparation of scientific reports, presentations and manuscripts;
- support for the management of the lab and reporting of the research project;
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 12:00 on April the 5th of 2024 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
“Application for participation for the selection of a researcher –RIF-BANDO -TERAPIE-RIGENERATIVE-24”.
Please note that this address is enabled to receive also emails from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in the Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, March 13th 2024
Date of publication: 08/03/2024
Application deadline: 18/03/2024
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is an Institute of Hospitalization and Treatment with Scientific Character-IRCCS recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992 and subsequent confirmations in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
It selects candidates to be included in the project entitled:
" Platelet-associated TF as biomarker for thrombotic risk stratification of CAD patients”.
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month research fellow contract, possibly extendable, who meets the following requirements:
- Master's degree in the medical-health field and its equivalences for university degrees (old system) and specialist degrees, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
- Good knowledge of spoken and written English
- Not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement.
All the above-mentioned admission requirements must be possessed by the candidate for the respective selection on the date of the deadline for submitting the application.
The following will be considered preferential qualifications:
- good knowledge of major Office applications in Windows environment (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
- good knowledge of bibliographic search programs in the scientific environment (e.g., PubMed, EndNote);
- strong scientific motivation, willingness to participate in activities aimed at communicating scientific results (publishing scientific articles, attending conferences, etc.);
- good organizational skills, dynamic and proactive attitude and ability to work both independently and in a team;
- predisposition for interaction with patients;
- attention to detail and flexibility.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Prof. Marina Camera, Head of the Unit of Cellular and Molecular Biology in Cardiovascular Disease, at which he/she will work, and Co-PI of the aforementioned project, will carry out the following tasks:
- Processing of blood samples for the preparation of plasma samples to be stored at -80°C for subsequent analysis;
- Marking of blood samples for evaluation of platelet activation status by flow cytometry;
- Evaluation of the redox state of circulating cells and in particular erythrocytes;
- Preparation of endothelial cell cultures from circulating precursors;
- Compilation of dedicated database;
- Preparation of periodical reports on the trend of the variables under study;
- Other activities, relevant to the role, as required.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 12:00 on 18/03/2024 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
Candidates must specify in the subject line of their submission the following wording "Application for the selection of a researcher "RIF-BANDO- PLATELET-24".
Please note that this address is enabled to receive emails also from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via PEC.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, March 8th 2024
Date of publication: 07/03/2024
Application deadline: 18/03/2024
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS) recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992, and subsequent confirmations, in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
It selects candidates to be included in the project entitled “Effect of antiplatelet therapies in patients with depression and coronary disease” (codice: RF-2019-12370907 CUP: B44G20000190008) (ricerca finalizzata 2019, Project - Ordinari della ricerca finalizzata - “Change Promoting”).
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month research fellow contract, in possession of the following requirements:
- Master's Degree in Biomedical field (e.g. Biotechnology or Biological Sciences or other equivalent degree), or equivalent qualification obtained abroad
- previous research experience in biomedical laboratories;
- knowledge (theoretical and practical) of the main IT systems and the Office package;
- age lower than that required by current laws for retirement;
- good knowledge of spoken and written English
The following will be considered preferential qualifications:
- previous research experience in international recognized laboratories and Institutions;
- previous research experience in the field of biochemistry, of cell and molecular biology, and of in experimentation;
- excellent presentation, analytical and problem solving skills;
- good organizational and team working skills and a dynamic attitude;
- availability to travel.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Dr. Silvia S. Barbieri Head of the Unit of Immunology and Functional Genomics, at which he/she will work, and Co-PI of the aforementioned project, will carry out the following tasks:
- laboratory activities aimed at investigating molecular mechanisms behind the relationship between depression and cardiovascular diseases
- generation and analysis of multiomic datasets
- preparation of scientific reports, presentations and manuscripts;
- support for the management of the lab and reporting of the research project;
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 12:00 on March the 18th of 2024 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
“Application for participation for the selection of a position of researcher –RIF-BANDO -CORO-24”.
Please note that this address is enabled to receive also emails from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in the Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, March 7th 2024
Date of publication: 16/02/2024
Application deadline: 23/02/2024
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is an Institute of Hospitalization and Treatment with Scientific Character-IRCCS recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992 and subsequent confirmations in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
As part of its scientific research activity, it selects candidates to be included in the project entitled “Effect of antiplatelet therapies in patients with depression and coronary disease” (codice: RF-2019-12370907 CUP: B44G20000190008) (ricerca finalizzata 2019, Project - Ordinari della ricerca finalizzata - “Change Promoting”)..
To support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month Coordinated and Continuing Collaboration Contract, possibly extendable, who meets the following requirements:
- Master's degree in the biomedical field (e.g. Biotechnology or Biological Sciences or other equivalent degree), or equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
- PhD in biomedical filed or at least 5 years' experience in research activities
- Applicants with a qualification obtained abroad must enclose with their application the declaration of value in loco issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representations abroad.
- In-depth and documented expertise in biochemistry, cellular andmolecular biology
- Good track record of publications in the past 3 years
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English
- not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement.
All the above-mentioned admission requirements must be possessed by the candidate for the respective selection on the date of the deadline for submitting the application.
The following will be considered preferential qualifications
- Previous experience as a research fellow/doctoral fellow at a research laboratory;
- previous experience at foreign research institute;
- excellent knowledge of biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology;
- good knowledge of major Office applications in Windows environment (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
- good knowledge of major computer and data analysis tools (R; GraphPad Prism, or equivalent); and
- good knowledge of bibliographic search programs in the scientific environment (e.g., PubMed, EndNote);
- strong scientific motivation, willingness to participate in activities aimed at communicating scientific results (publishing scientific articles, attending conferences, etc.);
- good organizational skills, dynamic and proactive attitude and ability to work both independently and in a team;
- attention to detail and flexibility.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Dr Silvia S. Barbieri, Head of the Unit of Brain-Heart Axis, at which he/she will work, and Co-PI of the aforementioned project, will carry out the following tasks:
- coordinate the experimental activities in biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology inherent to the aims of the project (cardiovascular risk prediction);
- managing the analysis of datasets;
- participating in database preparation and control and data management;
- generate reliable data for publication in projects to which they are assigned;
- publish reproducible research in international conferences and journals;
- project management support activities (e.g., preparing periodic study reports, organizing meetings, etc.);
- interacting and supporting other team members and sharing and discussing research results with collaborators;
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 12:00 on 23/02/2024 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
Candidates must specify in the subject line of their submission the following wording "Application for the selection of a researcher with CO.CO.CO "REF-CALL- CORO-24".
Please note that this address is enabled to receive emails also from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via PEC.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, February 16th 2024
Date of publication: 15/01/2024
Application deadline: 15/02/2024
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is an Institute of Hospitalization and Treatment with Scientific Character-IRCCS recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992 and subsequent confirmations in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
As part of its scientific research activity, it selects candidates to be included in the project entitled " Impact of stress Cardiac computed Tomography myocardial Perfusion on downstream resources and PROgnosis in patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease (CTP-PRO study)”.
To support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month fellowship, possibly extendable, who meets the following requirements:
- Master's degree in the medical-health field and its equivalences for university degrees (old system) and specialist degrees, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
- Applicants with a qualification obtained abroad must enclose with their application the declaration of value in loco issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representations abroad.
- Good knowledge (theoretical and practical) of modern molecular biology, genetic and/or genomic techniques (nucleic acid isolation, real-time PCR, sequencing, etc.)
- Not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement.
All the above-mentioned admission requirements must be possessed by the candidate for the respective selection on the date of the deadline for submitting the application.
The following will be considered preferential qualifications
- Previous experience as a research fellow/doctoral fellow at a research laboratory;
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English
- good knowledge of major Office applications in Windows environment (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
- good knowledge of major computer and data analysis tools (R; GraphPad Prism, or equivalent); and
- good knowledge of bibliographic search programs in the scientific environment (e.g., PubMed, EndNote);
- strong scientific motivation, willingness to participate in activities aimed at communicating scientific results (publishing scientific articles, attending conferences, etc.);
- good organizational skills, dynamic and proactive attitude and ability to work both independently and in a team.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Dr Gualtiero Colombo, Head of the Unit of Immunology and Functional Genomics, at which he/she will work, and Co-PI of the aforementioned project, will carry out the following tasks:
- participating in the experimental activities in genomics inherent to the aims of the project (cardiovascular risk prediction);
- participating in database preparation and control and data management;
- generate reliable data for publication in projects to which they are assigned;
- interacting and supporting other team members and sharing and discussing research results with collaborators;
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 18:00 on 15/02/2024 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
Candidates must specify in the subject line of their submission the following wording "Application for the selection of a researcher with fellowship "REF-CALL- CTPPRO-24".
Please note that this address is enabled to receive emails also from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via PEC.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, January 15th 2024
Date of publication: 15/01/2024
Application deadline: 15/02/2024
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is an Institute of Hospitalization and Treatment with Scientific Character-IRCCS recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992 and subsequent confirmations in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
As part of its scientific research activity, it selects candidates to be included in the project entitled "Inferior thyroid artery occlusion: a new marker of cardiovascular risk", (code PNRR-MAD-2022-12375721– Cup: B13C22003720008)
within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Mission 6 - Component 2 Investment 2.1 Enhancement and strengthening of biomedical research in the NHS, funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU, in which it has been identified as the Implementing Party of the Research Project.
To support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month Coordinated and Continuing Collaboration Contract, possibly extendable, who meets the following requirements:
- Master's degree in the medical-health field and its equivalences for university degrees (old system) and specialist degrees, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
- PhD in medicine or biology or several years' experience in research activities
- Applicants with a qualification obtained abroad must enclose with their application the declaration of value in loco issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representations abroad.
- In-depth and documented expertise in modern molecular biology, genetics, and functional genomics techniques
- Good track record of publications in the past 3 years
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English
- not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement.
All the above-mentioned admission requirements must be possessed by the candidate for the respective selection on the date of the deadline for submitting the application.
The following will be considered preferential qualifications
- Previous experience as a research fellow/doctoral fellow at a research laboratory;
- previous experience at foreign research institute;
- excellent knowledge of genome-wide analysis techniques on high-throughput platforms;
- good knowledge of major Office applications in Windows environment (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
- good knowledge of major computer and data analysis tools (R; GraphPad Prism, or equivalent); and
- good knowledge of bibliographic search programs in the scientific environment (e.g., PubMed, EndNote);
- strong scientific motivation, willingness to participate in activities aimed at communicating scientific results (publishing scientific articles, attending conferences, etc.);
- good organizational skills, dynamic and proactive attitude and ability to work both independently and in a team;
- predisposition for interaction with patients;
- attention to detail and flexibility.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Dr Gualtiero Colombo, Head of the Unit of Immunology and Functional Genomics, at which he/she will work, and Co-PI of the aforementioned project, will carry out the following tasks:
- coordinate the experimental activities in genomics inherent to the aims of the project (cardiovascular risk prediction);
- managing the analysis of large datasets and application of computational methods within the scope of the project;
- participating in database preparation and control and data management;
- generate reliable data for publication in projects to which they are assigned;
- publish reproducible research in international conferences and journals;
- project management support activities (e.g., preparing periodic study reports, organizing meetings, etc.);
- interacting and supporting other team members and sharing and discussing research results with collaborators;
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 18:00 on 15/02/2024 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
Candidates must specify in the subject line of their submission the following wording "Application for the selection of a researcher with CO.CO.CO "REF-CALL- CARDIOGENOM-24".
Please note that this address is enabled to receive emails also from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via PEC.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 50 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 50 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, January 15th 2024
Date of publication: 15/01/2024
Application deadline: 22/01/2024
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS) recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992, and subsequent confirmations, in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
It selects candidates to be included in the project entitled “Novel molecular targets for cardiac regeneration”
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month research fellow contract, in possession of the following requirements:
- Master's Degree in Biotechnology or Biological Sciences or other equivalent degree, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad
- previous research experience in biomedical laboratories;
- excellent knowledge (theoretical and practical) of the main IT systems and the Office package;
- age lower than that required by current laws for retirement;
- good knowledge of spoken and written English
The following will be considered preferential qualifications:
- previous research experience in international recognized laboratories and Institutions;
- previous research experience in the field of molecular biology, biology of cell cycle and in vitro or in vivo experimentation;
- excellent presentation, analytical and problem solving skills;
- good organizational and team working skills and a dynamic attitude;
- availability to travel.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Prof. Giulio Pompilio, Scientific Director of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino and from Dr. Paola Cattaneo Scientific Manager of the project, in support of which she/he will provide her/his activity, will carry out the following tasks:
- laboratory activities aimed at investigating molecular mechanisms behind cardiac regeneration;
- generation and analysis of multiomic datasets
- preparation of scientific reports, presentations and manuscripts;
- support for the management of the lab and reporting of the research project;
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 12:00 on January the 22nd of 2024 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
“Application for participation for the selection of a Project Manager with a collaboration contract –RIF-BANDO -TERAPIE-RIGENERATIVE-24”.
Please note that this address is enabled to receive also emails from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in the Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, January 15th 2024
Date of publication: 27/10/2023
Application deadline: 8/11/2023
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS) recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992, and subsequent confirmations, in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
As part of its scientific research activity, it selects candidates to be included in the project entitled “Computational mOdelliNg of myoCardial pERfusion to improve ouTcome prediction based on cOronary artery stenosis and atherosclerotic plaque burden assessment by computed tomography - CONCERTO “ (code PNRR-POC-2022-12376500 - Cup: B43C22001130008) within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Mission 6 - Component 2 Investment 2.1 Enhancement and strengthening of biomedical research in the NHS, funded by the European Union – NextGeneration EU.
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a full time, 12 months fixed-term contract , in possession of the following requirements:
- Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery and specialization in Diseases of the Cardiovascular System, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad. Candidates in possession of qualifications obtained abroad must enclose the declaration of value in loco issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representations abroad;
- Excellent knowledge (theoretical and practical) of IT systems and the Office package, with particular relevance to Excel and Power Point software
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English
- not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement;
Preferential qualifications will be considered:
- Proven experience of team working in the biomedical field;
- good organizational and team working skills;
- efficiency at work;
- Good knowledge of bibliographic research programs in the scientific field (Pubmed, Medline, etc.);
- ability to work calmly and precisely even near the deadlines
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from dr. Gianluca Pontone, Head of the Department of Perioperative Cardiology and Cardiovascular Imaging, will carry out the following tasks:
- selection of eligible patients;
- performing CT scans or other radiological examinations;
- planning and management of project activities;
- Update of the CRF;
- Periodic reports on the progress of the protocol;
- Support in activity reporting during the project
- Other activities, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 12:00 on November the 8th of 2023 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
Candidates must specify in the subject line of their submission the following wording "Application for the selection of a researcher with fixed-term contract "REF-CALL- PNRR-CONCERTO-4-23".
Please note that this address is enabled to receive emails also from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16 (also attach the privacy policy and consent template);
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, October 27th 2023
Date of publication: 27/10/2023
Application deadline: 10/11/2023
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS) recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992, and subsequent confirmations, in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
It selects candidates to be included in the project entitled “Italian network of excellence for advanced diagnosis – INNOVA” (codice PNC-E3-2022-23683266 PNC-HLS-DA – Cup: B43C22001310001), within the framework of Ministry of Health as part of the Complementary National Plan - Innovative Health Ecosystem - unique investment code PNC-E.3, in which it was identified as Level II Spoke of the Research Project. The main objective of the project is the creation of a new advanced diagnostics platform (INNOVA) that incorporates private and public bodies operating in the National Health Care System (NHS) and national research bodies.
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 27-month with a collaboration contract, in possession of the following requirements:
- Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Economics or Master's Degree in Biotechnology or Biological Sciences or other equivalent degree, or equivalent or equivalent qualification obtained abroad; Applicants with a qualification obtained abroad must enclose with their application the declaration of value in loco issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representations abroad.
- work experience in the scientific or economic field;
- excellent knowledge (theoretical and practical) of the main IT systems and the Office package;
- age lower than that required by current laws for retirement;
- good knowledge of spoken and written English
- not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement;
- Italian citizenship; Citizens of a Member State of the European Union are considered equivalent to Italian citizens, without prejudice to the requirements and exceptions set out in the art. 3 of the Prime Ministerial Decree 174/94.
The following will be considered preferential qualifications:
- previous experience in technical-scientific and economic reporting;
- knowledge of the ministerial platforms Research Workflow, Regis and BDAP-MOP;
- excellent analytical and problem solving skills;
- Good knowledge of the English language;
- good organizational and team working skills;
- availability to travel.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Prof. Giulio Pompilio, Scientific Director of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino and Scientific Manager of the INNOVA project, in support of which he will provide his activity, will carry out the following tasks:
- management activities to support the creation of the Platform;
- definition of operational instructions and reporting for ad hoc data collection for the project;
- collection and analysis of data to be sent to the coordinating HUB;
- support for the management and reporting of the research project;
- preparation of administrative reports;
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 18:00 on November the 10th of 2023 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
“Application for participation for the selection of a Project Manager with a collaboration contract – REF NOTICE PNC-INNOVA”.
Please note that this address is enabled to receive also emails from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in the Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, October 27th 2023
Date of publication: 25/11/2023
Application deadline: 03/11/2023
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is an Institute of Hospitalization and Treatment with Scientific Character-IRCCS recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992 and subsequent confirmations in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies". As part of its scientific research activity, it selects candidates to be included in the project entitled “CAL.HUB.RIA (Calabria HUB for innovative and advanced research)” (project code T4-AN-09 - Cup: B43C22000600008), funded by the Ministry of Health on the PSC Salute 2014-2020, Trajectory 4 - Biotechnology, bioinformatics, and pharmaceutical development.
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a post-doc, with a 12-month fellowship, in possession of the following requirements:
- Master's degree in the scientific/health- or medical- field (biology, medicine, pharmacy, etc.), and its equivalences for university degrees (old system) and specialist degrees, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad.
- PhD in the scientific/health- or medical- field
- not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement;
All the above-mentioned admission requirements must be possessed by the candidate for the respective selection on the date of the deadline for submitting the application.
The following will be considered preferential qualifications:
- Good knowledge of both written and spoken English;
- experience in cardiovascular research;
- experience with cell culture, sterile work, in vivo and ex vivo;
- previous experience in a research laboratory abroad;
- attainment of doctoral degree within 5 years;
- project management and student supervision skills;
- basic computer and scientific software knowledge;
- strong scientific motivation, scientific communication skills (publishing scientific articles, attending conferences, lab-meetings, etc.), literature study;
- good organizational skills, dynamic and proactive attitude and ability to work both independently and in a team;
- attention to detail and flexibility.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Dr. Sommariva, who coordinates the Unit of Vascular Biology and Regenerative Medicine, at which he or she will serve, will carry out the following tasks:
- development of complex cellular models (iPSC-based) for the study of genetically based diseases;
- use of complex cell models for the discovery of new molecular targets;
- study of the efficacy of drugs directed against the newly identified targets;
- project management support activities (e.g., preparation of periodic study reports, organization of meetings, etc.);
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 18:00 on November the 3rd of 2023 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
Candidates must specify in the subject line of their submission the following wording "Application for the selection of a researcher with fellowship - RIF-BANDO-PSC-CAL-HUB-RIA-23".
Please note that this address is enabled to receive emails also from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, October 25th 2023
Date of publication: 07/09/2023
Application deadline: 20/09/2023
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is an Institute of Hospitalization and Treatment with Scientific Character-IRCCS recognised by the Ministry of Health with a Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992 and subsequent confirmations in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
As part of its scientific research activity, it selects candidates to be included in the project entitled "Unraveling molecular mechanisms of cardiac remodeling driven by epicardial adipose tissue in diabetes” (code PNRR-MAD-2022-12376009 – Cup: B83C22006910008), within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Mission 6 - Component 2 Investment 2.1 Enhancement and strengthening of biomedical research in the NHS, funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU, in which it has been identified as the Implementing Party of the Research Project.
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month SCHOLARSHIP with a possible extension, in possession of the following requirements:
- Master's degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, Chemistry, Applied Biology to biomedical research or field and its equivalences for university degrees (old system) and specialist degrees, or equivalent qualifications obtained abroad.
Applicants with a qualification obtained abroad must enclose with their application the declaration of value in loco issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representations abroad.
- Excellent knowledge (both theoretical and practical) of modern techniques and methods in mass spectrometry applied to biomedical studies to ensure the proper conduct of the lines of research into which the project is divided
Previous experience in:
- Cell cultures
- Nucleic acid extraction and gene amplification
- Protein extraction and Western blot
- knowledge of computer systems and Windows programs
- good knowledge of spoken and written English
- not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement;
All the above-mentioned admission requirements must be possessed by the candidate for the respective selection on the date of the deadline for submitting the application.
The following will be considered preferential qualifications:
- Previous experience as a thesis student/research assistant in a basic research laboratory.
- Strong knowledge of cellular and molecular biology.
- Proficiency in both written and spoken English.
- Familiarity with key computer tools and data analysis (GraphPad Prism; EndNote).
- Proficiency in scientific literature search programs in the healthcare field (PubMed).
- Strong scientific motivation, good organizational skills, a dynamic and proactive attitude, and the ability to work both independently and in a team.
- Attention to detail and flexibility.
The selected candidate, in accordance with the guidelines received from the Project Manager, Dr Paolo Poggio, in the Unit for the Study of Aortic, Valvular, and Coronary Pathologies, where she/he will be carrying out the activities, will perform the following tasks:
- Histology and immunohistology staining
- Preparation and treatment of primary cell cultures and cell lines
- Protein assays and biochemical assays (e.g., immunoblotting, immunoassays)
- Preparation of periodic reports on the progress of the study variables
- Other activities related to the role as needed
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 18:00 on September the 20th of 2023 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
Candidates must specify in the subject line of their submission the following wording "Application for the selection of a researcher with SCHOLARSHIP "RIF-BANDO-DIABETE-23".
Please note that this address is enabled to receive also emails from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in the Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, September 7th 2023
Date of publication: 19/10/2023
Application deadline: 27/10/2023
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is an Institute of Hospitalization and Treatment with Scientific Character-IRCCS recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992 and subsequent confirmations in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
As part of its scientific research activities, it selects candidates to join the Biostatistics unit in the project entitled: 'Development and implementation of innovative statistical models in the analysis of cardiovascular risk factors'.
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month SCHOLARSHIP, in possession of the following requirements:
- Master's Degree in Biostatistics. Candidates in possession of a qualification obtained abroad must enclose with their application the declaration of value in loco issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representations abroad;
- Excellent knowledge of:
- basic statistical methods and multivariate analysis
- experience in the use and implementation of databases
- experience in the use of statistical packages, in particular the SAS, R package
- knowledge of the main computer applications (Word, Excel, Power Point, EndNote);
- not be older than the age required by the laws in force for retirement.
All the above-mentioned admission requirements must be possessed by the candidate for the respective selection on the date of the deadline for submitting the application.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Dr. Bonomi Alice , head of the Biostatistics Unit, where he/she will work, will carry out the following tasks:
- Providing consultancy and support in the design of protocols,
- Implementing clinical databases and in their quality control,
- Conducting statistical analyses of studies conducted by the clinical teams and the research laboratory of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino
- Spontaneous research activities focusing on the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and related statistical methodology.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 12:00 on October the 27th of 2023 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
Candidates must specify in the subject line of their submission the following wording "Application for the selection of a researcher with SCHOLARSHIP " REF-CALL- BIOSTAT-2023".
Please note that this address is enabled to receive emails also from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, October 19th 2023
Date of publication: 29/05/2024
Application deadline: 05/06/2024
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino is a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS) recognised by the Ministry of Health with Ministerial Decree of 7 August 1992, and subsequent confirmations, in the discipline of "cardiovascular pathologies".
It selects candidates to be included in the project entitled “Novel molecular targets for cardiac regeneration”
In order to support the activities of this project, the Centro Cardiologico Monzino needs to recruit a professional figure, with a 12-month research fellow contract, in possession of the following requirements:
- Master's Degree in Biotechnology, Biological or Molecular Sciences or other equivalent degree, or equivalent qualification obtained abroad
- previous research experience in biomedical laboratories;
- excellent knowledge (theoretical and practical) of the main IT systems and the Office package;
- age lower than that required by current laws for retirement;
- good knowledge of spoken and written English
The following will be considered preferential qualifications:
- previous research experience in international recognized laboratories and Institutions;
- previous research experience in the field of stem cell biology, cardiology, molecular biology and in vitro or in vivo experimentation;
- excellent presentation, analytical and problem solving skills;
- good organizational and team working skills and a dynamic attitude;
- availability to travel.
The selected figure, in accordance with the directives received from Prof. Giulio Pompilio, Scientific Director of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino and from Dr. Paola Cattaneo Scientific Manager of the project, in support of which she/he will provide her/his activity, will carry out the following tasks:
- laboratory activities aimed at investigating molecular mechanisms behind cardiac regeneration;
- culture and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells
- molecular analysis
- preparation of scientific reports, presentations and manuscripts;
- support for the management of the lab and reporting of the research project;
- other activities, relevant to the role, as needed.
Applications to participate in the selection must be received no later than 12:00 on June the 5th of 2024 by transmission to the following certified mail address:
“Application for participation for the selection of a Project Manager with a collaboration contract –RIF-BANDO -TERAPIE-RIGENERATIVE3-24”.
Please note that this address is enabled to receive also emails from non-certified mail addresses.
The application must contain:
- a detailed and updated CV in European format, dated and signed, certifying the training and professional activities, drafted in the Italian language with specific authorisation to process personal data pursuant to art.13 of GDPR 679/16;
- any document or declaration in any case useful for the purposes of assessment by the Examining Board
The Centro Cardiologico Monzino accepts no responsibility for the non-receipt of applications by the deadline, for which the date of the notification of receipt will be considered the date of receipt for applications sent via pec.
Only applications complete with the required documentation and sent according to the indicated modality will be taken into consideration.
The identification of the person with whom to establish the collaboration relationship that is the subject of this selection will take place through a comparative assessment of the candidates on the basis of qualifications and an oral interview, carried out by an Examining Board.
The Examining Board is appointed by a specific company procedure, through the adoption of a provision which will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS.
The Commission has a total of 100 points for the evaluation of each candidate admitted to the selection, of which:
a. up to 40 points for qualifications and experience;
b. up to 60 points for the interview.
The Commission will establish the scores to be assigned to the qualifications and experience to be used, together with the outcome of the interview, to formalise the final merit list.
The Commission will first examine the applications received, checking their eligibility requirements, and will then assess the candidates' qualifications.
The Commission's assessment will consist of an examination of the candidate's curriculum vitae and an interview, both aimed at ascertaining the possession of the knowledge required to carry out the lines of research involved in the above-mentioned Project. The assessment of qualifications will take into account proven professional, cultural and scientific specialisation deriving from university and postgraduate training.
Only candidates meeting the admission requirements will be admitted to the oral interview.
The dates of the interviews will be published on the institutional website and communicated personally to those interested. The oral interview will be aimed at examining in depth the candidate's educational and professional experiences, personal motivations and aptitudes, as well as assessing the candidate's availability for multidisciplinary activity and technical-scientific comparison. Failure to present oneself for the interview, for any reason whatsoever, will be considered as renunciation of the selection.
Upon conclusion of the procedure, the final merit list will be published on the website of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.
The evaluations of the Commission will be made solely for the technical-discretionary purpose of identifying the most suitable candidate for the collaboration relationship which is the object of this call, in the exercise of the private autonomy of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino in accordance with the Civil Code. The same evaluations will not bind the Centro Cardiologico Monzino to the recruitment of the most suitable candidates in the ranking list. Therefore, participation in this procedure will not entitle the first candidate in the ranking list to be hired.
Milan, 29/05/2024