Multimodality imaging for patient selection, procedural guidance, and follow-up of transcatheter interventions for structural heart disease: a consensus document of the EACVI Task Force on Interventional Cardiovascular Imaging: part 1: access routes,

Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging

24 July Jul 2023 one year ago
  • Pontone G.

Transcatheter therapies for the treatment of structural heart diseases (SHD) have expanded dramatically over the last years, thanks to the developments and improvements of devices and imaging techniques, along with the increasing expertise of operators. Imaging, in particular echocardiography, is pivotal during patient selection, procedural monitoring, and follow-up. The imaging assessment of patients undergoing transcatheter interventions places demands on imagers that differ from those of the routine evaluation of patients with SHD, and there is a need for specific expertise for those working in the cath lab. In the context of the current rapid developments and growing use of SHD therapies, this document intends to update the previous consensus document and address new advancements in interventional imaging for access routes and treatment of patients with aortic stenosis and regurgitation, and mitral stenosis and regurgitation.

Reference: Multimodality imaging for patient selection, procedural guidance, and follow-up of transcatheter interventions for structural heart disease: a consensus document of the EACVI Task Force on Interventional Cardiovascular Imaging: part 1: access routes, transcatheter aortic valve implantation, and transcatheter mitral valve interventions.
Agricola E, Ancona F, Bartel T, Brochet E, Dweck M, Faletra F, Lancellotti P, Mahmoud-Elsayed H, Marsan NA, Maurovich-Hovart P, Monaghan M, Pontone G, Sade LE, Swaans M, Von Bardeleben RS, Wunderlich N, Zamorano JL, Popescu BA, Cosyns B, Donal E. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2023 Jun 7:jead096.

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