Training Course

European Practicum on Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing

26 October Oct 2016 0800 8 years ago 29 October Oct 2016 1230 8 years ago

Direttore del Corso PierGiuseppe Agostoni, responsabile UO Scompenso, Cardiologia Clinica e Riabilitativa​

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing became an established tool for screening, diagnosis, prognosis assessment and treatment surveillance in many cardio- pulmonary and even other conditions.

In 2016 we welcome you for a tutorial meeting in Milan. This will be a chance to get the newest information on how to perform and interpret CPET data directly from an outstanding faculty that worked on cardiopulmonary exercise testing for decades.

The meeting includes a teaching course with lectures and tutorials in small groups. We will have live demonstrations on various types of exercise tests. You can pick up small groups tutorials with the topics you are mostly interested in (Heart failure / Rehabilitation / Pneumonology / Pulmonary Hypertension / Anesthesia / Sports medicine).

Finally on Saturday, all attendees and faculty members are invited to present their current research. For the first time the best three abstract will be rewarded whit a 1.500 $ prize.

We hope to get a seminal discussion on these issues of tomorrow. Please send your abstracts in advance to

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