FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you want to know about the Centro Cardiologico Monzino.

Centro Cardiologico Monzino (CCM) is a research and teaching hospital entirely devoted to the study and to the medical and surgical treatment of cardiovascular pathologies. It is the first example of an Institute solely devoted to cardiovascular diseases in Europe whose mission is Research for Care.

Why choosing Monzino?

CCM Physicians and facilities are dedicated to providing patients with the best available methods for the prevention and cure of cardiovascular diseases. CCM aims at ensuring that the patient can feel safe knowing that the best medical expertise is being applied to his treatment and monitoring.

CCM values are: respect and care for the patient as a person, patient-focused healthcare and treatment decisions, therapeutic and diagnostic research and innovation and a high level of specialisation.
At CCM every citizen has equal rights to treatment, without any discrimination based on race, sex, nationality, income and religion.

How to contact us?

International Patient Office (IPO) will be happy to give you all information you need and personally assist you.

→ Write an e-mail: international.office@ccfm.it or contact the following number: +39.02.5748.9330 (monday to friday 9.00 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 17.00). A dedicated IPO assistant will contact you to gather:

  • contact information (language spoken, country traveling from, etc),
  • medical reports,
  • imaging and pathology (depending on diagnosis).

After your information is collected, the International Patient Assistant will submit it to the appropriate medical team to determine the best specialist to care for you. Once an appointment has been granted (the soonest as possible), the International Patient Assistant will provide you with the appointment details and other helpful information, such as what to expect on your first day.

We do not recommend that you travel prior to confirming an appointment.​

How to book an appointment?

To schedule an appointment at CCM please do one of the following:

  1. Contact the International Patient Office by Email or calling: +39/02/58002487
  2. Make an online appointment request by completing the Online Appointment Form (link: www.ccfm.it)
  3. Once your appointments are scheduled you will receive a confirmation packet via SMS or e-mail
What to do before, during and after your visit?

Before: we can assisit you with medical appointments, hotel housing near the hospital, financial and billing arrangements

During: upon your arrival you will need to check in with the Global Patient Services Office (CUP) open from Monday to Friday 9.00- 16.30 and Saturday 10.30-12.00, located on the 1st floor of the hospital. While you are here we can assist you with hospital admissions and follow up medical visits, ensure you to have access to all physicians representing the different medical specialities and clearly understand their instructions.

After your stay we can help obtain medical reports/films after consultations are completed, assist with prescriptions requests, facilitate communication with physicians, help you with scheduling follow up visits.

Financial & Billing Services

CCM delivers both private and national healthcare services.

  • If you choose the national healthcare service no money will be required
  • If you have an Health Insurance: we will work with your insurance company to limit your out of pocket expenses
  • If you choose the Self Pay: you will pay for your healthcare using one of the acceptable forms of payment
  • If you are an Embassy-sponsored patient we will contact your embassy for the payment
For international physicians

In addition to providing high quality service and care to international patients CCM is dedicated to meeting the needs of physicians: Whether you are looking to refer/transfer a patient to CCM, facilitate a second opinion, seek ongoing medical education or review our research and clinical trials just visit our website.

All the medical documents must be in English. We recommend that records are translated at home to avoid any delays.